Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm Not Perfect.... Not Even Close....

Do you ever wonder what it's like to be perfect? I do, but I know it's pretty unattainable. I have my great days and I have my bad days. I laugh, I cry, I get upset, and sometimes I even feel inferior to the world around me. But thankfully I have the knowledge and the people that help bring balance into my life.

I'm really good at bottling up my feelings then kinda losing it, but I've gotten better. It helps to have such a fabulous support system like my husband, but I still have a good cry when I need it. He knows those breakdown moments are rare, but when they come, there is no chance he can stop them. He just lets me do it and he always has a way of just letting me get it all out without the judgement.

Laughter and learning to laugh at your self and not take yourself too seriously has become a constant healing medicine. I used to take everything so seriously and I truely feel I have grown so much in the past few years.

So today I woke up and reminded myself how lucky I am and what I am thankful for. I may not be perfect but I strive for balance through people, good books, my job and constant personal growth. I am so gonna rock in the future! I'm going to get better with age!