Thursday, April 28, 2011

Social Media - How to and How to Not Use it

The other day my Twitter friend (@coxymoney) sent me a tweet asking how my husband and dogs were.
I thought it was really awesome! Let it be known, I have never met this man (I know that sounds way creepy, but keep reading), but he remembers what I post and he uses it to build a relationship. He truly networks. He just doesn't sell, sell, sell. He is the person behind the business curtain that comes out and shoots the shit too! Mainly, because he knows building those relationships is key.

Everyday, I receive "come to my show," "visit my restaurant," "vote for me," "read my blog" and I try to do those things, but not anymore.... my time is too precious, there are too many options, and I'm overwhelmed with the sell, sell, sell tactic.

So in short - make it personal!
  • When people message you, say something back that shows you get those messages.
  • When they give to your organization, write them a personal thank you note.
  • When they check-in at your place of business, try to track them down and personally thank them. 
  • When they refer someone to you for business, an audience or help - go out of your way to do the same for them!
And remember, there are too many options out there! Set yourself apart and keep friends and customers loyal for life!

Learn more about Ryan Cox here! and stay tuned as I start using my blog again for awesome marketing tips, life lessons and general FUN!

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