Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mid-West Weather and helping the people who need it this winter...

So, I have totally slipped into the dark abyss of the Indiana winter. I am clawing and fighting to stay awake most days. I think the only reason I am able to function now is the new vitamins and the gym. Hopefully, if I keep losing weight, the more energy I will have.

This morning on the way in to work, I saw a man on the side of the road in raggedy clothing and a sign that said "I'm cold, please help!" I automatically started weeping and dug into my change compartment as I don't normally carry any cash - then I remembered the news story last year where a man was on the corner at the intersection at 82nd and Allisonville and pulled a woman out of her car and drove away. All because she was trying to give him some money. So, I drove on when the light turned green - he screamed and yelled as most of us continued on our way, which also made me feel better about my decision, but regardless, I felt like I should do more for people in that situation this holiday. So I started surfing all the volunteer sites and non-for-profits in the area and I found this:

NEED: The Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention has issued an urgent request for public donations of warm clothing and food to help individuals experiencing homelessness to survive during the winter season. Donations should be made at Wheeler Mission, 245 N. Delaware St and should specify the donation/contribution is for the 2009-2010 Winter Relief for the Homeless.

Get ready Mike, because we are cleaning out the pantry and coat closet tonight!

Please help this winter if you can too! This is a great way to give if you can't give cash this year - we all know we have a coat that doesn't fit us anymore. TEE HEE HEE



Carrie Jo said...

Good for you! I cleaned out the pantry last week and brought in nearly 75 canned goods that we could spare or that Bettye had in there and we didn't like. Had to check a lot of dates and it was a lot of work hauling it around, but it was worth it to think that I would be helping several families in the county with my donation too.

Raquel Richardson said...

I always go through an organization vs the man on the street type of thing. I cannot help it. Kudos for sharing and going!